Source code for cid.cid

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import base58

import multibase

import multihash as mh

from morphys import ensure_bytes, ensure_unicode

import multicodec

class BaseCID(object):
    __hash__ = object.__hash__

    def __init__(self, version, codec, multihash):
        Creates a new CID object. This class should not be used directly, use :py:class:`cid.cid.CIDv0` or
        :py:class:`cid.cid.CIDv1` instead.

        :param int version: CID version (0 or 1)
        :param str codec: codec to be used for encoding the hash
        :param str multihash: the multihash
        self._version = version
        self._codec = codec
        self._multihash = ensure_bytes(multihash)

    def version(self):
        """ CID version """
        return self._version

    def codec(self):
        """ CID codec """
        return self._codec

    def multihash(self):
        """ CID multihash """
        return self._multihash

    def buffer(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def encode(self, *args, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __repr__(self):
        def truncate(s, length):
            return s[:length] + b'..' if len(s) > length else s

        truncate_length = 20
        return '{class_}(version={version}, codec={codec}, multihash={multihash})'.format(
            multihash=truncate(self._multihash, truncate_length),

    def __str__(self):
        return ensure_unicode(self.encode())

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return (self.version == other.version) and (self.codec == other.codec) and (self.multihash == other.multihash)

[docs]class CIDv0(BaseCID): """ CID version 0 object """ CODEC = 'dag-pb' def __init__(self, multihash): """ :param bytes multihash: multihash for the CID """ super(CIDv0, self).__init__(0, self.CODEC, multihash) @property def buffer(self): """ The raw representation that will be encoded. :return: the multihash :rtype: bytes """ return self.multihash
[docs] def encode(self): """ base58-encoded buffer :return: encoded representation or CID :rtype: bytes """ return ensure_bytes(base58.b58encode(self.buffer))
[docs] def to_v1(self): """ Get an equivalent :py:class:`cid.CIDv1` object. :return: :py:class:`cid.CIDv1` object :rtype: :py:class:`cid.CIDv1` """ return CIDv1(self.CODEC, self.multihash)
[docs]class CIDv1(BaseCID): """ CID version 1 object """ def __init__(self, codec, multihash): super(CIDv1, self).__init__(1, codec, multihash) @property def buffer(self): """ The raw representation of the CID :return: raw representation of the CID :rtype: bytes """ return b''.join([bytes([self.version]), multicodec.add_prefix(self.codec, self.multihash)])
[docs] def encode(self, encoding='base58btc'): """ Encoded version of the raw representation :param str encoding: the encoding to use to encode the raw representation, should be supported by ``py-multibase`` :return: encoded raw representation with the given encoding :rtype: bytes """ return multibase.encode(encoding, self.buffer)
[docs] def to_v0(self): """ Get an equivalent :py:class:`cid.CIDv0` object. :return: :py:class:`cid.CIDv0` object :rtype: :py:class:`cid.CIDv0` :raise ValueError: if the codec is not 'dag-pb' """ if self.codec != CIDv0.CODEC: raise ValueError('CIDv1 can only be converted for codec {}'.format(CIDv0.CODEC)) return CIDv0(self.multihash)
[docs]def make_cid(*args): """ Creates a :py:class:`cid.CIDv0` or :py:class:`cid.CIDv1` object based on the given parameters The function supports the following signatures: make_cid(<base58 encoded multihash CID>) -> CIDv0 make_cid(<multihash CID>) -> CIDv0 make_cid(<multibase encoded multihash CID>) -> CIDv1 make_cid(<version>, <codec>, <multihash>) -> CIDv1 :param args: - base58-encoded multihash (str or bytes) - multihash (str or bytes) - multibase-encoded multihash (str or bytes) - version:int, codec(str), multihash(str or bytes) :returns: the respective CID object :rtype: :py:class:`cid.CIDv0` or :py:class:`cid.CIDv1` :raises ValueError: if the number of arguments is not 1 or 3 :raises ValueError: if the only argument passed is not a ``str`` or a ``byte`` :raises ValueError: if the string provided is not a valid base58 encoded hash :raises ValueError: if 3 arguments are passed and version is not 0 or 1 :raises ValueError: if 3 arguments are passed and the ``codec`` is not supported by ``multicodec`` :raises ValueError: if 3 arguments are passed and the ``multihash`` is not ``str`` or ``byte`` :raises ValueError: if 3 arguments are passed with version 0 and codec is not *dag-pb* """ if len(args) == 1: data = args[0] if isinstance(data, str): return from_string(data) elif isinstance(data, bytes): return from_bytes(data) else: raise ValueError('invalid argument passed, expected: str or byte, found: {}'.format(type(data))) elif len(args) == 3: version, codec, multihash = args if version not in (0, 1): raise ValueError('version should be 0 or 1, {} was provided'.format(version)) if not multicodec.is_codec(codec): raise ValueError('invalid codec {} provided, please check'.format(codec)) if not (isinstance(multihash, str) or isinstance(multihash, bytes)): raise ValueError('invalid type for multihash provided, should be str or bytes') if version == 0: if codec != CIDv0.CODEC: raise ValueError('codec for version 0 can only be {}, found: {}'.format(CIDv0.CODEC, codec)) return CIDv0(multihash) else: return CIDv1(codec, multihash) else: raise ValueError('invalid number of arguments, expected 1 or 3')
[docs]def is_cid(cidstr): """ Checks if a given input string is valid encoded CID or not. It takes same input as `cid.make_cid` method with a single argument :param cidstr: input string which can be a - base58-encoded multihash - multihash - multibase-encoded multihash :type cidstr: str or bytes :return: if the value is a valid CID or not :rtype: bool """ try: return bool(make_cid(cidstr)) except ValueError: return False
[docs]def from_string(cidstr): """ Creates a CID object from a encoded form :param str cidstr: can be - base58-encoded multihash - multihash - multibase-encoded multihash :return: a CID object :rtype: :py:class:`cid.CIDv0` or :py:class:`cid.CIDv1` """ cidbytes = ensure_bytes(cidstr, 'utf-8') return from_bytes(cidbytes)
[docs]def from_bytes(cidbytes): """ Creates a CID object from a encoded form :param bytes cidbytes: can be - base58-encoded multihash - multihash - multibase-encoded multihash :return: a CID object :rtype: :py:class:`cid.CIDv0` or :py:class:`cid.CIDv1` :raises: `ValueError` if the base58-encoded string is not a valid string :raises: `ValueError` if the length of the argument is zero :raises: `ValueError` if the length of decoded CID is invalid """ if len(cidbytes) < 2: raise ValueError('argument length can not be zero') # first byte for identity multibase and CIDv0 is 0x00 # putting in assumption that multibase for CIDv0 can not be identity # refer: if cidbytes[0] != 0 and multibase.is_encoded(cidbytes): # if the bytestream is multibase encoded cid = multibase.decode(cidbytes) if len(cid) < 2: raise ValueError('cid length is invalid') data = cid[1:] version = int(cid[0]) codec = multicodec.get_codec(data) multihash = multicodec.remove_prefix(data) elif cidbytes[0] in (0, 1): # if the bytestream is a CID version = cidbytes[0] data = cidbytes[1:] codec = multicodec.get_codec(data) multihash = multicodec.remove_prefix(data) else: # otherwise its just base58-encoded multihash try: version = 0 codec = CIDv0.CODEC multihash = base58.b58decode(cidbytes) except ValueError: raise ValueError('multihash is not a valid base58 encoded multihash') try: mh.decode(multihash) except ValueError: raise return make_cid(version, codec, multihash)